The questing is pretty linear (go to town A, complete all the quests, move to town B, repeat) but the storyline was interesting enough to propel me along. The free-to-play aspects of the game were a bit obnoxious but nothing I couldn’t ignore. Crafting looked complicated, but I used my top secret method to overcome that (not crafting at all). Plus I loved the movement system. So what changed between now and then? Here’s a quick rundown of points I touch on in the video log. buy blade and soul gold Grouping with other people for dungeons becomes much more common when you start reaching higher levels (currently at 35), and it all feels so pointless.
No one talks. There are no traditional roles (healer, tank, damage) so it’s all just a free-for-all. Were I playing with friends I might dig that. Instead I’m even more annoyed with other people than I already was. Other people suck in Blade & Soul. There are some nice folks wandering about, but mostly I’ve run into kill-stealing assholes. It’s escalated since the last log, to the point were instead of just taking whatever target you’re obviously running towards they’ll tag that one, then keep running and tag any others in the immediate vicinity. I’m really getting sick of them.
Besonders getroffen haben die Fans massive Abwandlungen an der Story. Schon während der Beta zeichnete sich ab, dass man die vielschichtigen und komplexen Charaktere von Blade & Soul ein wenig beschneiden würde. Zwar hieß es damals von NCsoft noch, dass man „keine Änderungen an der Story vornehmen würde“, jedoch musste diese Aussage bald durch vollendete. Den meisten Spielern werden diese Umschreibungen gar nicht auffallen. Wer jedoch beide Versionen kennt, also das Original und unsere westliche, der wird bemerkt haben, dass Charaktere bei uns deutlich „platter“ und klischeehafter sind, als im Original.
Die Spieler, als Helden der Geschichte, verkörpern das „Gute“, wohingegen Jinsoyun, die sexy Gegenspielerin mit einer starken Persönlichkeit (die sogar ein eigenes Musical bekommen hat) zu einem platten Comic-Bösewicht verkommt. The Cross-Server Dungeon feature is speed and efficient. I’ve never waited for more than a few seconds to get a full group for any game dungeon. If only group dynamics were better, this would be wonderful. Player versus player combat is actually a blast.
Putting together combos against weak NPCs is one thing, but figuring out what another live player is doing and trying to counter it is a lot of fun. If I stick around much longer, PVP might be the reason. Those new costumes are also coming to the game as part of the Valentine’s Day festivities in Blade & Soul. Players can complete quests now to collect roses used to transmute a new gem that will recover the players’ health over time after evading. Red roses are earned from daily quests while white roses can be earned through dynamic quests. I still love the game’s early content.
When I’m tired of slogging through quests for small rewards on blade and soul gold my main I hop onto an alt and burn through the starter quests again. Normally I despise that sort of repetition, but the classes here are diverse enough that they provide the variety the game lacks. No Backup Plans has received a nice upgrade for Year Two, but are still a purely personal defense armor piece. The “Force Multiplier” perk is the signature item on the Gauntlets and triggers the Force Barrier with Shotgun kills and the overshield’s duration is increased. This turns Defenders into a more aggressive sub-class in PVP and increases survivability in tight PVE encounters.