From Runescape first looked like a low-effort Hearthstone-clone, the folks at Jagex have crafted something wholly different from the other entries in the genre. In Chronicle you’ll be using cards as a way to tell the story of your hero, or Legend, while simultaneously the cards you face can each have some effect on your opponent. The basic aim is to buff your Runescape Legend over the course of a round in order to give them an advantage during direct duels with your opponent’s Legend. What purpose are events if you’re killing the server anyways?
We didn’t want to just shut the Runescape servers down and have it slowly die off over the month. We all have fond memories of the times we’ve had in RuneScape and we feel like going out with a bang. Will we get the cape on the RuneScape character, or any character we choose? We will need to cheap rs gold do this on a case by case basis but if you let us know what character you want it on and we can verify that the two accounts are linked via our back end tools we will happily award the cape on to the other account.
Who’s decision was it to close RuneScape? It was a joint decision from all involved on RuneScape based on past/present/future statistics and how viable it was to keep it running. Yesterday we already reported on how Kern had stated that he would personally deliver a recent legacy server petition to Runescape, if the petition would harvest 200K supporters. Old School RuneScape, an officially run legacy server created by Jagex, opened in early 2013 following a fan vote.
The developer opened up the poll at the request of fans who made their desires to play the older version of the game they’d grown up with known to the team. If we can get 200k sigs on this petition, I will personally send it to Mike Morhaime. But if we’re going to convince Blizzard, we need more than 100k. 100k is well, not enough to move them. My guess is that if Nostalrius can do 850k signups, then there are probably a couple million who would do legacy”, Kern told PCInvasion.
The petition was started by the Nostalrius Begins team following a cease and desist letter from Blizzard. You never see anyone anymore and the people you meet are soon forgotten in your next group. Old servers had community, we worked really hard to make sure it was a social experience. Old servers would bring back community, bring back friends, and be a far “stickier” experience that will retain players longer, because social bonds are what keep people re-subbing and playing”, Kern told PCInvasion.
It’s an interesting formula and seems to fit somewhere between deck-building and normal competitive variants. Each round is on a double-page spread of a beautifully tactile tabletop book, the titular Chronicle. When both Legends make it through the round they face each other and deal direct damage before the next round gets underway. Different Legends bring their own playstyles into the fold, resulting in rs gold for sale some great variation where viable decks are concerned.